Get evidence-based answers to the frequently asked questions about gestational diabetes, plus recipes and meal plans, expert interviews, and real birth stories. With the rapidly growing rate of diabetes, developing gestational diabetes is more likely than ever. We want every mom (mom-to-be) to be educated with evidence-based research so you can be an informed and confident member of your prenatal healthcare team and have the pregnancy you want. Whether you’re already diabetic, healthy as ever, eating low-carb, still in preconception, or whatever, you need to know how nutrition affects you, your pregnancy and your child. Join us to learn how to have the pregnancy and life you want through the food you eat. We’ll answer your questions, give tips, laugh and cry with you, all in the hopes of making the journey a bit easier - from preconception to postpartum, to motherly intuition and advocating for yourself, to handling judgment and criticism and so much more - we tackle it all.

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
How to support a mom with gestational diabetes
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
When gestational diabetes is a new experience, it applies to everyone. But sometimes the support team doesn't know how to support, and that's why this episode is helpful. It's inspired by the review that Sandy, a husband, left after listening to the first episode.
All resources mentioned can be found at https://thegestationaldiabetic.com/8-2/

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Vegetarian and Vegan with Gestational Diabetes
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Registered dietitian Leslee Flannery talks to us about the concerns with vegetarianism and veganism during pregnancy and gestational diabetes, and how to navigate the diet to remain diet controlled.
All resources mention can be found at https://thegestationaldiabetic.com/7
- 1:05 - Leslee's practice and closing the gap in gestational diabetic care
- 4:53 - Food as a vegetarian today as compared to earlier days
- 7:19 - Challenges as a vegetarian with gestational diabetes
- 8:19 - Remaining diet controlled as a vegetarian or vegan gestational diabetic IS POSSIBLE!
- 10:10 - Nutrients that may be lacking in vegetarianism and veganism during pregnancy
- 11:06 - Nutritional Yeast - a nutrient powerhouse
- 13:16 - Increased protein and iron requirements in pregnancy, and best food sources
- 15:49 - Nutrient rich food recommendations for pregnancy
- 17:58 - Knowing your carbs
- 22:40 - Listen to yourself, not diet culture

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Episode 6 - All about hypnobirthing with Anabelle Wagner
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Hypnobirthing is a technique that pushes out the fear and allows you to enjoy every stage of labor and birth. Anabelle is a hypnobirthing doula and she came on to tell us how it works and why it's beneficial. If you're a first time mama, or if you're anxious about labor in this gestational diabetes pregnancy, take a listen to the benefits of hypnobirthing.
All resources mentioned can be found at https://thegestationaldiabetic.com/6
- 1:05 - What a doula is and the role they play in pregnancy
- 1:54 - At what stage in pregnancy should a mom hire a doula
- 4:15 - How doulas and hospital staff work together to support the mom
- 8:00 - Virtual doula support
- 8:44 - What hypnobirthing is about and how it works
- 22:10 - Hypnobirthing differs for every mom
- 24:47 - How hypnobirthing can benefit a mom with gestational diabetes
- 26:41 - Are there any risks associated with hypnobirthing
- 28:03 - How your mind state affects the outcome of your pregnancy
- 33:23 - Surrounding yourself with positivity

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Episode 5 - Food freedom despite diabetes, & diabetes & the Keto diet
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Were you told you can't eat certain foods because of diabetes? Registered dietitian, Madalyn Vasquez, talks about retaining yourself & your culture despite diabetes, treating it long term, & the Keto diet.
All resources mentioned can be found at https://thegestationaldiabetic.com/5-2/
- 2:45 - Madalyn's introduction and why she shifted her focus to diabetes
- 5:05 - Still enjoying the foods you love and eating your cultural foods
- 10:05 - You are not your disease. You have more control over your health than you think.
- 12:50 - Environmental factors that affect diabetes
- 14:06 - The origin of the Keto diet and eating Keto to treat diabetes
- 16:53 - Reversing the ill-logic and first impressions of fad diets
- 19:32 - Keto is not sustainable for long term or treating diabetes because everyone is different: food freedom for your lifestyle
- 28:06 - Be gracious with yourself during this time: last words

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Episode 4 Jorden's Birth Story: the effects of unmanaged blood sugars
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Jorden joins Traci today in the hopes of spreading awareness and encouraging moms by telling her birth story about how her blood sugars went unmanaged in pregnancy and led to placental failure, and the health issues that her son has had to endure as a direct result.
All resources can be found at TheGestationalDiabetic.com/4/

Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Episode 3 with Gwendolyn Woody: diabetes coaching and eating water
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Gwen and Traci talk about the role diabetes coaches play in diabetic healthcare and how they help support diabetics, as well as the growing rates of diabetes and how to eat your water instead of drinking it.
All resources can be found at https://TheGestationalDiabetic.com/3/
- 1:26 - How Gwen helps diabetics as a coach - a more intimate level of care; owning this time in your life and getting support from your circle
- 9:14 - Mind-blowing statistics of diabetes in the United States
- 10:17 - How diabetes manifests in our body - because we don't necessarily feel high or low blood sugars
- 13:33 - Moms with gestational diabetes developing Type 2 diabetes within 5 years; using this time to make small changes and find a happy, healthy balance
- 19:00 - Gwen's September initiative on Instagram
- 19:21 - How to eat water
- 23:29 - How water plays a role in lowering blood sugar
- 24:25 - What temperature of water is best
- 25:10 - Last words of encouragement and strategy, and resources for more information

Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Lily Nichols' name is almost synonymous with gestational diabetes these days due to her trailblazing the evidence-based research path of treating gestational diabetes.
This episode is packed full! Lily and Traci talk about inaccurate gestational diabetes testing, false positive results, the effects of cheat meals, blood sugar management in health overall, patient self-advocacy and changing prenatal nutrition guidelines.
All resources and recipes can be found at https://TheGestationalDiabetic.com/2/
- 2:45 - Lily's book, career and prenatal nutrition guidelines need to be updated with a new approach
- 9:40 - Is testing for gestational diabetes necessary?
- 12:25 - False positives: there's no perfect testing method for gestational diabetes
- 14:37 - Better & alternative testing methods & understanding how food affects blood sugar
- 18:19 - Different testing standards across the world and within the United States
- 22:40 - How my gestational diabetes test went & the extreme emotions that accompany diagnosis
- 26:00 - Shifting the approach of prenatal care from fear-based
- 27:55 - Is gestational diabetes more common in pregnancies with multiples?
- 28:54 - Lowering the risk of gestational diabetes; managing blood sugar with micro-nutrients
- 33:30 - How exercise can reduce the risk of gestational diabetes
- 34:35 - Can eating for pregnancy be simplified: unlearning and relearning how to eat
- 40:57 - The importance of blood sugar management in health, not just pregnancy
- 46:58 - Talking to your healthcare team & speaking up for yourself
- 52:40 - Carbs aren't your only source of energy
- 56:52 - Are cheat meals okay?
- 1:03:56 - Lily's current work & how we can help affect change in prenatal care
- 1:13:10 - How a gestational diabetes diagnosis affects decisions & outcomes in your pregnancy & delivery

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
In this episode Traci defines what gestational diabetes is and is not, and gives further understanding by comparing it to pre-diabetes, type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.
All resources and recipes can be found at https://TheGestationalDiabetic.com/1-2/.